December 2022 Launch Update

Created on 31 December, 2022 | FEEDYA Updates | 1,252 views | 1 minutes read

So many commissions being earned at Feed Your Audience..

Kind of amazing..

Wanna hear something pretty cool?

We launched FYA on December 21st, 2022, just 10 days ago..

.. and already we have seen almost 42% of our members earn an affiliate commission (all of which are MONTHLY).

.. which is INSANELY good in our crazy digital marketing world.

Many people go to our calculator page and wonder "well how does THAT work??"..

Well.. THAT is how powerful our comp plan is. Just share your calculator link, or use the squeeze pages provided.

And I can virtually guarantee if you stay consistent with your lead generation and marketing, your 2023 is going be pretty damn enjoyable.

NOTE: I have NEW features for FYA, new marketing options and content, automated traffic gen, and LIVE webinar training coming up very soon..

From the emails I receive from our members every day, I can say that people are excited about FYA, and you should be too :)

I have also been checking out some of the FEEDYA pages you have been creating and using to "Feed your audience" with, and they're looking pretty awesome (and creative).

The comments I have been receiving say the same things.. "this is SO easy, so simple".

As it says on our front page, "Simple. Useful. Profitable."..

Stay in tune, stay connected, stay consistent, be relentless. That's how you win this game.

Are YOU ready to make 2023 your best year ever with the help of FYA???

I sure am.


Comments or questions in the comments below, or hit me at:

Happy New Year!

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~ Geoff Stephen / FEEDYA.CO Admin

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Updated on 31 December, 2022